Friday, November 25, 2011

What Is The Worst Parenting Advice You've Ever Read On Here?

Not advice I have had personally, but ones that others have been given is the classic ';pop some rice cereal in your 2 week old babies bottle and they will settle and sleep better.';

I cringe so SO much when I read that.What Is The Worst Parenting Advice You've Ever Read On Here?
The worst advice I got here, as it happens, has nothing to do with parenting. Once I asked why people duck when walking under a helicopter. If they don't have to duck when the blades aren't turning, why do they duck when they're turning? Someone replied to test the theory. I think I picked him for best answer anyway though. It was the worst answer but made me laugh the loudest. I'm very seldom caught off guard or surprised. If you can do that you deserve the points.

The worst parenting advice... Once I asked a question ';What is your impression of a boy with long hair?'; Evan wanted to grow his hair long like his best friend. I wanted to survey parents as to if that first impression leaves them thinking he's a punk, has lax parents, etc. One poster screamed at me. She said something like Stop worrying about how this reflects on you and get him a haircut. How she got there based on the question is beyond me.

I think any poster who forcefeeds their parenting choices is a bad adviser. A good adviser gives their opinion about those choices *when asked* then leaves room for the asker to make their own decision.What Is The Worst Parenting Advice You've Ever Read On Here?
Ok, Ms. Troublemaker, nice question designed to further peace and harmony. ;-)

The worst is the misinformed medical advice (';don't bother taking Suzy to the doctor';; ';don't give her the fever reducer that the doctor prescribed, it's not good for her';).

I suppose we all have our issues that are personal to us and so answers that seem blatantly wrong on those issues are also pretty upsetting. One of my kids had selective mutism, so the answer to some parent who was asking about how to get help for her selectively mute child who couldn't even speak at school when they were injured or being bullied that the parent should lay off and ';accept her child for who she was'; rather than trying to get her some help provoked one of my rare thumbs-down.
Uhm.. gosh.. where to start.. lol

Not exactly advice, but I was told my daughter was a brat when I asked on how to handle a delicate and emotional situation with her.

Someone recommended The Hills Have Eyes as an appropriate horror film for a 13 year old!! (I couldn't even sit through 15 minutes of it)

Someone told a woman that her daughter was most likely being molested because she got red *down there* after bathing and it hurt a little. That one was just really freaking jumping the gun without any indication other than possible allergic reaction or not wiping properly, as being the issue.

I hate when someone has a small/medium disagreement with their spouse on parenting , or if they need to vent or if one of them is having an off day- people will reply, ';Leave him, NOW!'; lol.. that's really nice.
Don't take them to the dr (when the obviously need to)...

The worst insult I got, while having a mini freak out about James was the ones that ALL said something to the effect of if I couldn't: handle where to put his stuff (organizational wise), didn't know what to do with a boy (raise him), and since I moved back in with my parents I wouldn't be a good mom and would live off the system forever, and other stuff that will HOPEFULLY come with time lol, was that I shouldn't be having him and/or should give him up for adoption.....
OH, there are sooooo many, but here are the main ones for me:

1) spank a 9 month old baby to teach it not to put things in its mouth

2) spank a child for hitting others

3) Put a 12 month old on a time-out - ';But you will have to hold them down because they won't understand'; - HUH? Then what's the point?
The worst parenting advice i seen on here is that you should let a two thur five year old girl wear a thong and a Binky for underwear i think that is not right i think you should wait till your child is old enough to pick out what she likes and than she can choose for her self
spare the rod spoil the child.....I do agree with an occasional spanking here and there for really bad behavior that other discipline won't fix but I do not believe in what this phrase implies.

I also think it is terrible when someone calls you a bad mom for not: breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby wearing, using cloth diapers, waiting until 6 months and beyond before offering them food, making your own food ....etc etc
When people answer questions about discipline or behavior issues with something like ';beat the crap out of him';

I mean I am against spanking but I can accept that some people use it and will suggest a spanking but to say ';beat him'; is just ridiculous.
That you NEED to stay home with your kids and if you work you are a ';part-time mom';. Pshhh please.

I'll have to edit if I think of more...which we all know there's TONS of bad advice on Y!A....but my brain isn't working at the moment...
Personally, I feel people suggesting the CIO method to be very bad advice.

THis is my personal opinion though, I do realize other people have different opinions.
Someone on here chastised a mother for her toddler not being fully potty trained by 10 months old. They said you should start potty training at a few weeks old. Ridiculous.
if your child cuts themselves, rub salt and vinegar with garlic into the wound and drizzle with olive oil, then leave in sun for 30-45 mins.
';Tell your children you don't love them then they will start behaving so you will.';

That has got to be the worst.
someone told my friend that because she had a scheduled c-section she really didn't give birth.. she should get pregnant again and try to become a REAL mother...

some ppl are so ignorant
Everything that came out of ';Supermom';s'; mouth!
Stop letting other people raise your kids. I.e. you're a bad mom for using daycare.
Someone told me to give a combat knife and a nail gun for Christmas.
Drape a tarp over it.

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