Friday, July 30, 2010

Parenting: How would you handle this?

I already know my answer--I just want to see what others would say. :-)

If you were on a crowded sidewalk/in a mall (for example) and your child wasn't watching where he/she was going and bumped into another person----What would be your reaction/What would you do?Parenting: How would you handle this?
Smile at the person, say sorry and tell my child to say ';excuse me.';Parenting: How would you handle this?
i would have the child apoligize then i would tell the child to be more careful
I think my first reaction will be to check if my child got hurt in any way . . . .and tend to that immediately

Therafter the apology and mannerisms, as most responses suggest
Say ';I'm sorry'; to the person your child bumped into, show a smile and take the child away.
Apologize or if your kid can talk have him or her apologize and keep a hand on your kid.
I would say to the person that was bumped into, ';Excuse him';. Then I would hold his hand and try to guide him through the crowd safely.
Have my child apologize to the person and inform my child that he/she needs to watch where they are going after we have walked away from the person that he/she bumped.
Depends on how old the child is- young I would ask the child to applogize and tell him/her to watch where they are going If the child is old enough to understand what they have done- then I would ask my child what do you say, then I would ask why were you not paying attention to where you were going- if child then stated I don't know -- I would take the child hand until they could refocus and state why they felt they didn't have to pay attention or until we left the mall.
tell your kid to pay more attention, stay by your side, apologize to the person he/she ran into
teach you kid to say sorry.
Depends on the age of the kiddo. If your talking a young kids (say 5 and under) you smile and apologize, take your baby by the hand and remind him/her that they have to watch out for other people.

6 to 10 - have them apologize and tell them to stay with you

10 and up - they should have it figured out.

Stuff happens - ya know? Most people take it very well, but every once in awhile you get a very difficult person - just diffuse and protect your baby from the mean old man (or lady)

I would tell my child to say ';excuse me';.
i've had the problem happen in BOTH WAYS grown adults knocking into my young kids because they are pushing thru a mall. i've had my kid run intoa adult in both cases not much to be done. i've acually had a 2 year old pushed over by a abult at a 4th of july fireworks thing.
Apologize to the person, or if your child is old enough they can say sorry. And then tell him/her to pay attention
Depending on their age of course...if old enough I'd make sure they apologized or said excuse me. If still young, I'd apologize to them and then tell my child to 1) pay attention 2) if it happens to say excuse me (gentle teaching of course)
i would apologize to the person and tell my child to say excuse me.
laugh then tell the kid to watch where he/she is going.
I would have my child apologize to the person and ask them to watch more carefully so no one gets hurt

What did you do?
I wouldn't expect my child to say ';oops sorry'; so I would probably say it for them and then tell them (my child) to watch where they were going next time. But if they were older like maybe 8 or 9 I would probably make them say it because then they are old enough.
This happens to me ALL THE TIME! My oldest watches his feet when he walks, so he is constantly bumping into people. I make him stop and apologize or say ';excuse me'; to the other person. If it's a quick passing or if the person gives me ';a look';, I'll apologize. But if the person is rude to me or my son, I usually just walk on because if I say something it won't be nice!! :-)
tell them to say srry to the person yhey bumped into
I would just say, ';oh i'm so sorry, he just gets ';busy eyes'; when we are in places like this'; and tell the child he/she needs to start watching where he/she is going
I'd tell my child to watch where he/she was going, then tell him/her to say ';Excuse me!'; Then, I would make eye contact with the person, smile and say ';sorry'; or something similar.
Juat chill girl and sit back and take care of your man and oyur baby but bang

your man
If the child is old enough to be walking on his/her own, then, hopefully, you have instilled the polite response from them to whomever they bumped--';Excuse me';...However, if in tow, via hand-held, then I would say the ';Excuse me';, since I am actually the leader of the bond, %26amp; use the experience to show my child the proper etiquette for the situation.
I would tell the person I am sorry and call my child over, they are kids they never watch where they are going????
Reaction: oops, that was my fault for not paying attention to the child

What I would do: Apologize to the person for the unintentional bump
I would pull himout of the way gently and apologize to the person and excuse us. Then I'd explain to my child that he needs to pay attention to where he's going and that the next time he accidentally bumps into someone, he needs to say ';Excuse me'; or ';I'm sorry'; right away.

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