Friday, July 30, 2010

What are your opinions about marriage, legal separation and sinlgle parenting?

Marriage is great if both people are ready and willing to be married. Some people think they are, but then they cheat and lie etc. They should just grow up and admit that they don't want to be married.

Single parenting is both hard and easier. It's hard because you have to do everything. But it's easier because you get to make all the decisions and discipline.What are your opinions about marriage, legal separation and sinlgle parenting?
single parenting can be very difficultWhat are your opinions about marriage, legal separation and sinlgle parenting?
Marriage is a good route to go, I don't agree with all this everyone should just be young and sleep around and worry about getting married when they are 40 or never get married at all. I think thats asking for chaos. Marriage is the best route for a person who wants a family (under the right circumstances of course).

Legal crap (its like a way to extend time before divorce). Divorce is getting abused. I understand situations call for divorce, but dang people need to stop getting married so fast, I think we have like a 60% divorce rate now. What ever happened to trying to work things out?

Single parenting - Sucks! If you don't have a good support system of family to help you out it kind of leaves you stuck. Though I think it is very possible to do, and to do right if someone really trys at it.

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