Friday, July 30, 2010

POLL: Dependant care expenses with shared parenting?

If you have a 50/50 shared parenting agreement, generally both parents split the cost of day care. However, only one parent can claim the child as a dependant. Is there anyway for the parent who is not claiming the child to write off their half of the dependant care expenses?POLL: Dependant care expenses with shared parenting?
* calls Tom Daschle* ....... even he says no...POLL: Dependant care expenses with shared parenting?
With 50% custody, the children, in theory, do not spend more nights with either parent. Therefore, neither parent could claim the daycare expenses w/o coming to a mutual agreement. In which case, the agreement should include taking turns claiming it and not just 1/2 but the full amount.

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No. Only the custodial parent (the parent with whom the child spends more nights) is allowed to take the dependent care credit.

Richard K

Master Tax Advisor

Enrolled Agent

This advice is based upon my understanding of the tax law at the time it was written as it applies to the facts provided by you. See my profile for more information.
Don't think so.

I've heard of parents in this situation claiming the dependent for alternating years.
I paid out the schlong on this one for years, if they haven't changed the laws, no you can't/
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