Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I kind of have my personal philosophy about parenting...?

Well I think I could call myself very insightful, and I come from a different background than people I go to school with. But I've seen different parent-child relationahips and I think that a parent only has the power that the child gives them. Do you think that's true or am I just fooling myself?

I kind of have my personal philosophy about parenting...?
Maria, there are a whole bunch of factors that determine what kind of child you raise. The biggest one is are you practicing what you preach. One of the biggest learning tools kids use against grown up are, living the way you are holding judgment to them. A parent has to mean what they say and follow up with punishment and rewards.

Most parent get caught up in their emotion which can ruin their judgment and the child sees that and takes off with it. They learn what they think they can get away with and try to use it against their parents. If a child sees that the parents are fighting over how to discipline, then the kid will use that to get what they want.

You are not fooling yourself, most parents create the little monsters we have running around in stores or at the park. I kind of have my personal philosophy about parenting...?
I personally think that is nonsense and just describes bad parenting. It is a parents responsibility to instill a power balance in the parent-child relationship and if it is the child who controls that balance of power then you have a person with a limited logic controlling your life from the outset - you would end up with a child with destructive behaviours as they would not know how to control the power they exert over parents - children above anything crave nurturing which is why lack of discipline and guidance leads to tantrums, impatience and general poor behaviour (internal locus of control with limited logic ie. immature thought process).

That's my opinion anyway...
I think it behooves parents not to let their affection for their children overcome common sense. This leads to spoiled children.

All child behavior study proves that children do better if boundaries are set and they can feel confident in their parents strength. So parents who allow children to have the power aren't doing their kids any favors.
It should be the other way around. Child does not control the adult, although they be heard and compromise, parents should not let their kids ';control'; them. I say this as a teenager, who always talk back at my parents, but while it is important to let your child be heard, your experience is more than theirs and therefore should have the last word.
You are stronger then a child. The child will determin if you would like to keep things that way or if you want them to growup and become independent. Early independence and more responsibility will strenthen, at the same time put them in the most fragile state. If they respect you, you will influence them. If you force your influence they will likely rebel.
';I think that a parent only has the power that the child gives them';

Then you've clearly never experienced or witnessed child abuse.

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