Saturday, August 21, 2010

What are the effects of bad parenting?




Emotiona issues like anger management, anti-social behavior, and a liklihood to be attracted to unhealthy relationships. If physical abuse is an issue, then the victim may become an abuser.What are the effects of bad parenting?
Bad Parenting will affect the child badly from health and education and future career. good parenting is essential too ensure that he grows up and become responsible person. he should be groomed properly given proper physical and mental care. any negligence on the part of the parent will make child drift away from the parents and can go in ba direction.parents should give adequate time to the child. always a child who is from broken marriage or neglect of parent turn rebel and anti establishment as the love which is his right is deniedWhat are the effects of bad parenting?
Ugh! Some of these people are so idiotic.

Sometime bad parenting can lead to all of those things but bad parenting can also make a person stronger. You can overcome your parents and learn from their mistakes. I have a case of ';Bad Parenting';. I just look forward to growing up quicker. Sometimes it can be pretty upsetting but in the end if your a strong enough person you can get past it.

Not everyone resorts to drug and alcohol abuse.
Side effects of Bad Parenting (c) include:

Rebellious children, raised voices, locked doors, occasional suicides, run away(s), revenge, late nights, lost sleep, illegal actions, and sometimes even mass murder.

Advantages of taking Bad Parenting (c) include:
distancing yourself from the parents, drugs, alcohal, sex, smoking, trouble with the law, bad at school(even dropping out), and emotional problems such as anger, depression, suicide, and just plain old mean.
Bad parenting makes irresponsible, or violent, or manipulative, or greedy, or just plain stupid offspring.
there are many. feelings of guilt, being inadequate, feeling worthless,m depression, suicide, it all depends on how severe it was.
Bad education.


No money or food or home..

Living with Parents. %26gt;.%26lt;
The kid could end up totally fine. Or your kid could end up with serious mental and emotional problems.
depression, anger, sometimes they learn from their experiences and become a better person from it.
The kid could become a drug abuse, have sex too early, depression, and pretty much anger.
You'll end up with a angry, badly behaved kid, or they may lack confidence and self esteem.
Long term mental issues including depression.
do something moronic and blame it on video games! and then turn into a drug addict.
your kid will shoot up the school, or shoot up heroin. or both
kids who are rude and obnxious... murderers, child molesters.
More Democrats
bad children
your kid will turn into a drug addict

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