Saturday, August 21, 2010

Which of these descriptions best describes your view on Parenting?

Do you belong to group A, B or C.

Group A. I would NEVER leave children under school age alone in a room, or apartment while I went out drinking.

GroupB. It is acceptable to leave children under school age alone in a room or apartment if I wish to go out drinking.

GroupC. Not sure, but I would probably be very sorry afterwards if anything happened to them.

I belong to group A. incidentallyWhich of these descriptions best describes your view on Parenting?
Group A I actually have my daughter sat near me whilst I am answering this question .

I know as a parent I have made plenty of mistakes I am human and not perfect . I take my parental responsibility very serious as I just simply adore my child .Which of these descriptions best describes your view on Parenting?
Yes I quite agree nobody is perfect but some acts of stupidity just beggar belief . Thank God I can honestly look in to my daughters eyes and tell her I have never put her in unnecessary danger . Pity the McCann's can't to their children .

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What are you trying to do? Let hit the Mc.Canns

This is a very self righteous question
Definitely the A group
I belong to group A It will be interesting to see all the pro mccann peoples views on this
Group A....but I wont drink at home....being drunk may be harmfull to the kids....and i wont take them to the bar....and i wont send them out while I drink at
Group A of course!!!
Group A

You have to ensure the children's safety, especially if they do not know how to think properly. It is better to leave a responsible adult to take care of the children.
actually id be in group a-but that doesnt mean to say id slate another family for being in group b or c- i have never (hopefully) put my kids at risk but hey show me someone whos perfect- i feel this is another mccann pro/anti debate?

if it is -i wouldnt be cruel to slate them when they are going through this awful tragedy-jeez once i let go of daughters hand to put my shopping bags down and she ran off-it was the worst 2 minutes of my life until i found her-and although not the exact same situation if anything would have happened to her i would have blamed myself for the rest of my days-you me-the pope-whoever do not-can not know what this family are going through-leave them alone and get back to only thing thats important now-the welfare of that poor child
Group A
Group A but I notice that James M couldn't answer the question!
Hi I Belong to group A
group A bt im not a parent that is just my idea of parenting!

Group D. Almost dislocate your arm patting yourself on the back because you have never ever made a mistake, especially one that you are going to regret for the rest of your life
Group A.
Goes without saying, A every time but according to the people who would answer anything other than A that would make me a bit of an overprotecting,paranoid cotton wool wrapping parent.........I can live with that!
Group A.
Group B if I was a McCann.....

........hope that's clear enough?
A of course
A of course. Anybody who admits to B or C is warped in the mind.
group A of course, anyone to pick the others should never have children.
Definitely A
A of course
Group A-all the way before , during , and after the McCanns.

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